Rock Edge Recording: Audio Editing & Transfer Services

Studio Pictures
Studio Pictures
Guitar Synths
Roland VS / VS Pro
Main Guitars
Roland VG88

Basic equipment shown only


I'm listing some of the equipment I'm using at my home project studio, and including links with further information on these technologies, and to various user forums.  I'd welcome any suggestions for additional relevant sites to link to.
I'm using Roland VS hard disk recorders, and using VS Pro software to control these hard disk recorders.  I'm using Roland guitar synthisers and 'virtual guitars' for recording.  These include the GI-10 guitar to MIDI converter, the GR-30 guitar synthesiser, and the Roland VG-88 virtual guitar synth.  All of the Roland guitar synths and the VG88 require a guitar equipped with a special hexaphonic guitar pickup, and information on this, along with retrofit options is featured here.
If you would like to see any further information about these Roland products, please let me know by email at: and I'll do my best to update this site!

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